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Upgrading an EAM system won't improve asset performance.

Without improving asset reliability strategies and then updating associated maintenance plan master data, many EAM system upgrades or consolidation efforts, fail to deliver any tangible result.  



The maintenance plans executed are one of the biggest influences on the performance we get from our assets.

For companies that are upgrading their EAM, or implementing a new one, it is important to recognize that this change will not improve equipment performance by itself. The ROI received from any EAM upgrade, or implementation, will be dependent on the quality of the strategies and related content that make up the maintenance plan master data that will go into the system – and then get executed. It’s the tasks that get executed that improve performance. 

Improve strategies to improve performance.

Simply transferring the existing maintenance plans into a new EAM system means you can expect the same asset performance.

Consolidate, structure and improve your Master Data.

Dirty data in - dirty data out. Before loading maintenance plan master data into a new system it should be optimized first.

Connect reliability strategy and work execution.

Make sure a line of sight is always maintained between the tasks being executed and the reliability decision-making process.

Asset Strategy Management for EAM Upgrades

Industry leaders use Asset Strategy Management to optimize master data and asset reliability strategies, then quickly and seamlessly integrate the improved data into new a EAM system.

How to Extract Maximum Value From a SAP S/4Hana Upgrade


Gartner's Market Guide for Asset Performance Management

How to ensure efficient RCM implementation via SAP and MAXIMO integration

Why Your Master Data Needs this Rules-Based Approach

The Complete Guide to Asset Strategy Management

Everything you need to know to transform the way your organization manages asset reliability.


The SAP® Integration and Certification Center has certified that OnePM® Connect 1.0 integrates with SAP S/4HANA using standard integration technologies. This integration helps organizations drive asset performance and reduce risk through optimal asset strategies.